Mar 31, 2021
Mar 24, 2021
So how close is too close when it comes to trademark infringement and confusing the public?
The line can get pretty thin as you’ll see in the NCAA trademark dispute I’m talking about on today’s live.
It’s both hilarious and shocking - don’t miss it!
Mar 17, 2021
So many people right now are talking about the importance of the client experience and gift giving and wow packages that you give your clients to make them fall in love with you.
I can tell you one of the most expensive lessons that I've learned myself personally is that gift giving is not going to solve your customer...
Mar 10, 2021
“Under promise, over deliver” is a biz strategy that's been around forever.
SO many well respected people, across all industries, have even sworn by it.
But I'm sure from the title of this video that you've already guessed my opinion... It's THE WORST.
Mar 3, 2021