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The Passive Income Lawyer

Jan 27, 2021

You know I love trademarks, but is there ever a reason ever when you can wait on getting something trademarked in your business, is there ever a good way for you to wait on trademarking with the business?

Jan 20, 2021

To give you a little bit of context for the very beginning of this episode, we start out by talking about these two concepts that are pretty important in this world of strengths finder or Clifton strengths, which is a personality test. And it's this idea of basements versus balconies... you know what Jennifer says...

Jan 13, 2021

I just want to make a quick episode for you to go over just some for things that I think that you should do this year, legally. Just a disclaimer here that you don't need to do any of the things I mentioned on this episode, but I think it's a best practice.

Jan 6, 2021

You'll discover Elisabeth's own journey of how she got to understand trademarks better, understand more why they're important.  Hopefully some of that sounds familiar or resonates with you and then we end the podcast talking about more advanced questions and issues that she has in the trademark world.